Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Quick Update & NEW NEPHEW!

Went to the midwife last week. Lost 2 pounds, which is fine cuz I started watching my sugar intake after I gained a bunch of weight. (By the way, my sugar test came back normal, so that was NOT the cause of my weight gain.) Alistair is doing so good and is "a busy little bee," says Ms. Brown. He is most definately growing, my belly is HUGE! We can really tell certain things that he likes and dislikes. He LOVES when his daddy comes home, he reacts to Noah's voice EVERYTIME! It is so sweet! (I'm sure he's getting used to the sounds of fighting Bostons, too!) He likes when I eat ANYTHING with pizza sauce and he's definately a night owl. I can't wait to kiss his little cheeks! I visit again next Wednesday @ 38 weeks, then once a week after that! We're really getting down to the wire!

We went to PA last week for just 2 days. It was a little rough cuz Noah had just got off the night shifts and it took a little adjustment to get on a regular sleep schedule. We accomplished a few things including getting the rocking chair from Mom Gail! It was hers when Noah was born and I'm so excited! I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!

Now we're just working on cleaning up our apartment and arranging things to make space for the few pieces Alistair furniture!

My 1st nephew, William Henry Johnston III, was born on August 7, 2007 @ 6:28pm (PT). He was 7lbs 10.5oz and 19in long! He is SOOOOOOO HANDSOME!


1 comment:

  1. oh my god.
    He the most most adorable thing I've ever seen.
    I can't wait to see him.
    I bet your mother is excited to go visit them and see william.
    He's beautiful.
    Now we just have to wait for you!!
    Glad everythings going well for you and Noah.
    Keep my updated.


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