Well, here we are at 38 weeks! We are within that 2 week window when our little boy could come at anytime! FREAKY! Our bags are packed, Alistair's bed is up, rocking chair is in position, the carseat is installed and my support team is on call! What an exciting time! I have begun stage 1 phase 1 labor, which means I'm having contractions, that are sometimes painful and regular, but are not "active labor" just yet. These are VERY important because they're getting everything ready and toned for delivery! I have been feeling VERY tired, so I've been making an extra effort to relax A LOT more each day and allow these contractions to do their job. I saw the midwife yesterday and all systems are "go!" Alistair is "head down" and his heartrate has slowed to a "big boy" pace of about 135bpm!
My friend, Elizabeth, threw a diaper party for Noah last Saturday! It was a blast! She invited all of our closest friends (that she knew of) to come dance, drink and have a good time as long as each of them brought a package of diapers and/or wipes! What a fantastic idea! We had sooooo much fun! I enjoyed getting to party with everyone and getting to meet a few of Noah's other friends. (Even though I had to be sober. j/k) THANK YOU, ELIZABETH, FOR PROVIDING EVERYTHING, INCLUDING YOUR BEAUTIFUL HOUSE! IT REALLY MEANT A LOT TO US!!! (We may just have to throw an "Alistair Party" in a few weeks!)

What a cute page! I love him! I need more pics...I'm having baby blues..hehe!