Today was my "due date." Well, for reference, here's what "due date" means: The date at the center of the 4 week period when birth is possible and considered "full term." WHATEVER! He'll come when he's darn good and ready! He's just a little relaxed and laid-back about the whole thing, not in a hurry to come out into the cruel, cold world. There's not much news except to report that at our midwife visit today, I was more dilated than last week and his head is EVEN lower, too! I'm trying not to be diappointed that I have not delivered. At least my pain, misery and sleepless nights are for something. SOME work is being done and that's good news. The other good news is that Noah and I have a little more time together before we become the 3 of us and I don't want to wish that away.
ONE more thing....I have signed up for the Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk on September 29th in Virginia Beach. It is a FANTASTIC cause and a wonderful organization that is making great "strides" in Alzheimer's research and treatment. So, Alistair and I will be walking that day and if you would like to donate to the Alzheimer's Association, click on the link to the right and you'll be directed to my personal sponsorship page. You can donate right from my website or, if you prefer, you can send money to me and I will turn it in when I check in for the walk that morning. My goal is to raise $200 for this event, please help Alistair and I in our first "cause!"
Thanks for checking in. I hope you like my new blog format, I was getting bored. I also hope you liked the pictures in my last post. My husband is a VERY creative photographer! (You should see the "studio" and lighting he had to work with and he STILL made me look beautiful!) :D
I'm posting this video because I just LOVE this song. It makes me cry EVERYTIME I hear it. Also, I LOVE REBA!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
The waiting game is on now! EVERYTHING is ready and set, now we wait until the little devil decides it's time to make his debut. The early labor contractions I have been experiencing are stronger now and they last longer. Alistair's head is "engaged" and I've begun to dilate. Now, we WAIT! The only thing left is "active" labor and our little boy! But, don't get too excited, it could still be a couple of days OR even a couple of weeks! This little boy is gonna keep us guessing and I'm gonna start charging him rent!
Another highlight of this week: On Tuesday, Noah and I celebrated our 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! We went out to a very nice Italian dinner and celebrated our WONDERFUL marriage and decided that Alistair is our gift to each other! Our 5th year is bound to be full of adventures.....and LOVE!
DON'T FORGET THE BABY GAME! Get your guesses in for a chance at the prizes! Just click on the banner at the top of this page and enter a guess.
P.S. If you haven't already, get me your e-mail address. That way I can make sure everyone gets the e-mail announcement if I don't get around to blogging right away when we bring the little booger home! (
Another highlight of this week: On Tuesday, Noah and I celebrated our 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! We went out to a very nice Italian dinner and celebrated our WONDERFUL marriage and decided that Alistair is our gift to each other! Our 5th year is bound to be full of adventures.....and LOVE!
DON'T FORGET THE BABY GAME! Get your guesses in for a chance at the prizes! Just click on the banner at the top of this page and enter a guess.
P.S. If you haven't already, get me your e-mail address. That way I can make sure everyone gets the e-mail announcement if I don't get around to blogging right away when we bring the little booger home! (
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Well, here we are at 38 weeks! We are within that 2 week window when our little boy could come at anytime! FREAKY! Our bags are packed, Alistair's bed is up, rocking chair is in position, the carseat is installed and my support team is on call! What an exciting time! I have begun stage 1 phase 1 labor, which means I'm having contractions, that are sometimes painful and regular, but are not "active labor" just yet. These are VERY important because they're getting everything ready and toned for delivery! I have been feeling VERY tired, so I've been making an extra effort to relax A LOT more each day and allow these contractions to do their job. I saw the midwife yesterday and all systems are "go!" Alistair is "head down" and his heartrate has slowed to a "big boy" pace of about 135bpm!
My friend, Elizabeth, threw a diaper party for Noah last Saturday! It was a blast! She invited all of our closest friends (that she knew of) to come dance, drink and have a good time as long as each of them brought a package of diapers and/or wipes! What a fantastic idea! We had sooooo much fun! I enjoyed getting to party with everyone and getting to meet a few of Noah's other friends. (Even though I had to be sober. j/k) THANK YOU, ELIZABETH, FOR PROVIDING EVERYTHING, INCLUDING YOUR BEAUTIFUL HOUSE! IT REALLY MEANT A LOT TO US!!! (We may just have to throw an "Alistair Party" in a few weeks!)

My friend, Elizabeth, threw a diaper party for Noah last Saturday! It was a blast! She invited all of our closest friends (that she knew of) to come dance, drink and have a good time as long as each of them brought a package of diapers and/or wipes! What a fantastic idea! We had sooooo much fun! I enjoyed getting to party with everyone and getting to meet a few of Noah's other friends. (Even though I had to be sober. j/k) THANK YOU, ELIZABETH, FOR PROVIDING EVERYTHING, INCLUDING YOUR BEAUTIFUL HOUSE! IT REALLY MEANT A LOT TO US!!! (We may just have to throw an "Alistair Party" in a few weeks!)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Quick Update & NEW NEPHEW!
Went to the midwife last week. Lost 2 pounds, which is fine cuz I started watching my sugar intake after I gained a bunch of weight. (By the way, my sugar test came back normal, so that was NOT the cause of my weight gain.) Alistair is doing so good and is "a busy little bee," says Ms. Brown. He is most definately growing, my belly is HUGE! We can really tell certain things that he likes and dislikes. He LOVES when his daddy comes home, he reacts to Noah's voice EVERYTIME! It is so sweet! (I'm sure he's getting used to the sounds of fighting Bostons, too!) He likes when I eat ANYTHING with pizza sauce and he's definately a night owl. I can't wait to kiss his little cheeks! I visit again next Wednesday @ 38 weeks, then once a week after that! We're really getting down to the wire!
We went to PA last week for just 2 days. It was a little rough cuz Noah had just got off the night shifts and it took a little adjustment to get on a regular sleep schedule. We accomplished a few things including getting the rocking chair from Mom Gail! It was hers when Noah was born and I'm so excited! I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!
Now we're just working on cleaning up our apartment and arranging things to make space for the few pieces Alistair furniture!
My 1st nephew, William Henry Johnston III, was born on August 7, 2007 @ 6:28pm (PT). He was 7lbs 10.5oz and 19in long! He is SOOOOOOO HANDSOME!
We went to PA last week for just 2 days. It was a little rough cuz Noah had just got off the night shifts and it took a little adjustment to get on a regular sleep schedule. We accomplished a few things including getting the rocking chair from Mom Gail! It was hers when Noah was born and I'm so excited! I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!
Now we're just working on cleaning up our apartment and arranging things to make space for the few pieces Alistair furniture!
My 1st nephew, William Henry Johnston III, was born on August 7, 2007 @ 6:28pm (PT). He was 7lbs 10.5oz and 19in long! He is SOOOOOOO HANDSOME!

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