Thursday, August 26, 2010

Evolution and You Capture

I am evolving. 
I'm a mother of two now.  I have a whole new set of challenges and priorities. I'm learning a lot about myself, how to get things done and how much I can handle. I have a lot to say and a lot to blog. You may have noticed the added buttons and gadgets in the header and sidebar of the blog. The blog is evolving too! I've been connecting with other moms online and through other blogs and have decided to make my blog a more regular thing. So, please bear with me as I embark on this journey of evolution!

You Capture is a weekly challege to get you out taking pictures! This week's challenge: Outside!
What happened outside at my house this week?

Ronan joined in some yard work!

He cried for a second.....

Then, fell asleep.....

Even though big brother was blowing his whistle:


  1. Loved your pictures! They made me smile.

  2. love when babies fall asleep in the carrier! woo hoo for a nap!

    stopping by from You Capture :)

  3. Aww babies can sleep anywhere. Great pictures.

  4. I can sooo relate! Ha ha love the pics and your boys are adorable! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  5. I like the evolution of the babies emotions :) Cute.

  6. lol Very cute photos...first he's screaming, then he's passed out. Baby carriers are the best!
    Thanks for sharing your photos and looking forward to seeing you next week. And thanks for stopping by my blog!!

  7. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Your little boys are so, so cute. I hope you have many more happy moments doing yard work with your whistler and your napper : )


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