Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Coming Soon......

.....Ronan's birth story. But as far as his first week, we were all doing great! Ronan took right to breastfeeding and is eating VERY well! We spent the first week home enjoying our time with Daddy and getting used to being a family of FOUR! However, Friday night, I began to hemorrhage and Noah took me to the ER. They couldn't get the bleeding stopped with medication, so I underwent a D&C in the wee hours of Saturday morning. After I woke up in recovery, they took me to the postpartum wing for observation. My techs got me up to use the bathroom and I passed out on the way back to my bed. It was decided that I wasn't making blood fast enough to recover the blood I lost the night before, so I received a blood transfusion and stayed at the hospital all day Saturday to receive that and ensure that I wasn't going to have any reactions to the donor blood.

Noah was by my side through it all and cared for sweet little Ronan like a seasoned Daddy would! He is my hero! He stayed calm, sprang into action Friday night and got me to the hospital. He helped calm me down in the ER as I bawled and began to panic. He spoke up for me before I was even out of recovery, making sure that my nurses knew I was concerned about being able to nurse Ronan even with the medications and anesthesia. He was up all night and day in the hospital for a second weekend in a row and still picked up the slack taking care of Alistair and cleaning up the house on Sunday so I could rest! It's no wonder it is so easy to love him! I am so blessed!

Thank you, Erin, for coming over and staying the night Friday with Alistair! Also, thank you, Theresa, for going to our house, getting Alistair and keeping him all day (and late into the night) on Saturday! Thanks to Miss Judi, as well as Janie, for letting the dogs out on Saturday when we didn't know if we were coming home! And, Janie, the lasagna was fantastic! Thank you for having us! You are all a godsend......truly.....and we are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and neighbors who have helped make this challenging and difficult time a bit easier for us. You're the best!

MANY more thanks to Miss Judi, who came and got me when I was in labor, arranged for Alistair (Thank you, April, for keeping him), stayed at the hospital with me until Noah got there and still got Alistair, stayed at our house with him Friday night and Saturday and brought him to the hospital to meet his baby brother! We love you, Miss Judi! You saved us!

Aunt Jen made the drive from VA Beach to be with us during labor and for Ronan's birth! It means more than you'll ever know, Jennifer!

Mom Gail! Indispensable! We love you so much, we appreciate everything you did last week and are always thrilled to have you involved in your grandchildren's births!

One more VERY important "Thank You" goes to my dear friend, Corina, who has made us two fabulous, delicious, wonderful, more-than-we-could-ask-for meals that have totally blown us away! You are a truly amazing friend and you are cherished! Thank you so much!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Lexi Sandven11:12 PM

    I'm glad you're doing ok! That sounds scary..as I know you already know..you're so lucky and blessed to have such amazing people in your life!

  2. Ohhhh, Patricia! Your story brought tears to my eyes. What a good boy that Noah is! haha. How wonderful that everyone could pull together, and I'm so glad that you're doing better now! <3

  3. Thanks, Alexi!

    I love you, Jan!

  4. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Unbelievable, Patricia! What a fight! Thank you, Jesus for Noah and all of your friends and family.

    Ronan looks like he got an extra portion of your spirit. Those smiles of his are amazing!!!

    Here's praying that you are finally out of the woods for a while.



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