Noah got an amazing job in Maryland (Washington, DC area) so we're moving again. He started 3 weeks ago and Alistair and I are stil in PA. We are driving to MD tomorrow to find a house. So, hopefully, the move will be happening in the next 2-3 weeks! (Faster internet!)
Alistair has been amazing! He is growing so fast and developing VERY well! His 6 month check up was march 17th and he was still VERY tall for his age, but about average for weight. (Figures we would have a tall, skinny kid, huh?!) The doctor said that his strength and gross motor skills are "ahead of the game." He sits up, waves, rasberries and "army crawls" with the best of 'em. He eats meats now, which he LOVES! He is eating 3 meals a day of baby food and has "puffs" (which he feeds himself) and juice for snacks. AND...I am VERY proud to say....he's still nursing too! He now has 5 teeth and there's at least one more that should be popping up in the next day or so.
Much to get done so, in closing, I would like to thank EVERYONE at Nittany Christian School! You guys are AMAZING. I feel like I'm leaving my family and my very best friends. Thank you for welcoming us to State College with open arms and loving me and Alistair so much! We will miss you more than words can say. We have been truly blessed to have you in our life! God Bless You, Terra, Ann, Kylie, Abigail, Amanda, Holly, Beth, Cherelle, Krissy, Heather, and Kris (aka Girlfriend). We know you read the blog and we will visit!
Alistair at 7 months enjoying a warm, sunny Saturday afternoon in the woods:
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