Our stroller got here last night! Thanks, Dad Jim! WOO HOO! We're about set to go! :D
Last weekend, we went to Steve and Megan's house for dinner and they gave us baby gifts. I just got a hold of the pictures and I'm posting them too! Thank you, guys, for the bib, bottles and bathtime gift set!
We realized that it was probably not a good idea to be using all the baby stuff on the dogs, we were teaching them bad things. So, we've begun using Gaby, my Cabbage Patch Kid, as a stand-in for Alistair in order to teach Frank and Ralphy the things that don't belong to them. (so, when you see her, don't be alarmed that we still play with dolls, she is serving a VERY practical purpose) Oh, this is going to be a challenge, but it has been working so far with the carseat. (It helped that the carseat was not snapped into the base yesterday and Ralphy put a paw on it to sniff the doll and the whole seat toppled onto him. He doesn't bother it anymore.) They sniff the baby, then seem disinterested. I'm sure it will be a different story once there's a real squirmy baby in it, but I guess the trick is to start them early associating the baby's furniture as "off limits." They have always been VERY gentle with other babies (and toddlers) that have come to visit and I'm not worried. Alistair will just be another "puppy" to them, but they somehow always know to be gentle.
We went to see the midwife on Tuesday for our 34 week appointment. As always, everything looks pretty good. I had gained a little more weight between visits this time, but since it took so long for me to gain any weight in the first place, Ms. McGuirt did not seem alarmed. I have, however, been VERY thirsty for about a week, so she ordered another glucose test "just to be safe." She wasn't worried, but said that the weight gain combined with the excessive thirst could be a sugar problem OR they could just be separate symptoms. (No thanks to the recent heat wave). Either way, it's not too bad and I "shouldn't get my panties in a bunch." We visit again on the 1st (36 weeks!), then we'll see her every week until the lil punk is here! It is so surreal to think that we're already this far and Noah is already making arrangements for his August schedule at work for his "Daddy" leave! :D

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