Mexican food no longer sits well with me. We went to our favorite Mexican place last night and I almost puked before we left.
Chuck Norris? Well, that's what I'm calling the baby today! I've been feeling little flutters and jabs for over a week now, but this morning I put my hand on the belly and could feel the kicks from the outside!!! I hurried up and put Noah's hand there and he jumped back (and almost as high as the ceiling) and screamed, "OH SHIT!" It was the weirdest thing to feel it so unmistakably, it REALLY IS like having an alien inside you! What an amazing moment!! I laughed for close to 30 minutes after that!
Aunt Trish, I'm sorry I've haven't posted in so long. I promise to post more often now that more is going on!!!!
Stay tuned, midwife appointment tomorrow and THE BIG ULTRASOUND in 2 or 3 weeks (depending on Noah's schedule)!!!
We're closing in on the halfway point and (obviously) baby's getting stronger!!!!
Love you all!!! Thank you so much for reading!!!
Oh, here's a cool shot of the 16 week belly getting wider and higher!!!!!

Thanks. And I'm doing better than I was. We have something in common though...the I'm about to puke feeling. It really sucks though because I love your family to death. Especially him and I would give anything to get that back. But that's up to him not me. It just sucks when everything reminds me of him and I'm trying to forget the pain. Well, you'll have to keep me updated on everything and wendy's fries really are the best.