I still have to make more diapers (and yes, I did order..*gasp*....a half dozen prefolds for good measure) but Ronan is in cloth almost full-time now. He's a very heavy wetter at night, so he wears sposies to bed, but we're still on that same pack that was almost gone 3 weeks ago! In my quest to CD my baby's bottom, my house has suffered. Therefore, my blog has fallen by the wayside while I catch up. I will be back more often now, I think.....until we plant the garden!!! But for now, I am going to empty my brain of all the post ideas that have been slamming into each other up there and allow my brain to function correctly.
-Sometimes I hit the "home" button on my iPad and before I put it to sleep, I stare for a moment at the picture of our family.....together. (and sometimes I tear up a little bit)
-Sometimes I let Alistair stay up late just because I want to snuggle him a little longer!
-You can call it loneliness, nursing appetite or just a lack of self-control, but I purposely avoid the cookie aisle at the grocery store because I know I'll spend a fortune.
-It's a good thing I'm not on a diet because there is no way I could add up all the carbs I have consumed this week.
-I LOVE to wear my baby and he LOVES to be worn! (I could seriously write a book about this!)
(HERE is a link that explains why I bought an ErgoBaby
beside the fact that I have always loved my mei tai)
-I LOVE breastfeeding! I can't even explain it. It's not just giving my boys the BEST nutrition to get them started in life, it's more than that. It's having them close to me, wearing them, tending to their needs quickly to ensure their emotional needs are met, it's the pride I feel that no man or factory is able to produce what my body KNOWS my baby needs or how my ego gets a boost when the doctor smiles and says "good job, Mom!" It is knowing that they are secure, well-adjusted kids! It is SO many things......hmmmm...another book? ;)
-Parenting and Breastfeeding have changed my life! I understand so much more about humans, what we do naturally and what our society has pushed on us as "accepted."
-I often cry as I watch these boys, day in and day out, learn, discover, fall, cry, get up, try again, smile and GROW! I am so SO blessed that I have been able to be with them everyday of their lives!!!
-I am now deeply in LOVE with sewing! (post on this coming soon)
-I love our little "homestead" and am so enlightened as we learn and discover new ways to become more self-sustaining. (Whether we can do it all or not, simply having the knowledge is empowering!)
-I fall deeper in love with my husband everyday. I am so GRATEFUL for him and all that he has sacrificed over the last 7 1/2 years to ensure that we have a comfortable home, reliable vehicles and full bellies! I miss him so so much, but in spite of current circumstances, the love bank is full....we need another account to rollover the excess......my cup runneth over.......ok, enough, now my eyes runneth over!