Friday, July 01, 2011

Everything to Everyone

I'm sure those of you who are loyal readers have noticed that I've been out of the blog-o-sphere for a while. There are several reasons for that, but time is the biggest reason. I had REALLY made an effort to blog more, but was staying up late to do so or worrying more about taking pictures "for the blog" than actually living in the moment and enjoying my littles while they are little.

I have felt overwhelmed a lot lately and I really needed to step back, look at how I was managing my time and energy and prioritize. I was trying to do too much, trying to be everything to everyone and it's just impossible. So, I decided which things could go (or just get limited attention) and which things were most important to me.

Obviously, Noah, the boys and our home are my #1 priorities. I've been taking steps to play and enjoy more at home with them, but I have also made huge strides in feeding them healthier foods and keeping our home a healthier, more comfortable place to be. (these are their own post!)

Just to fill you in on the last few months, here are a few things that I've been doing that I'm especially proud of:

-I threw a birthday party that was 99% renewable/compostable! (there was 1 piece of trash from the whole thing!)

-I have switched to plant-based, biodegradable laundry and dish detergents as well as a special Eco-friendly, chemical-free, enzyme-free detergent for those cloth diapers that I won't shut up about!

-I clean all surfaces (aside from the bathroom) and mop the floors with vinegar and water. (or orange water for those greasy areas. I made this by boiling orange peels, then straining them out and putting the water in a spray GREAT!)

-I pickled onions from our garden and the 1st big batch of cucumbers were pickled last night!!!

-I'm still feeding my family on about $100/week, but now about 80% is unprocessed, local and organic. (you don't have to cut corners to eat heathy!)

-I went on a dinner date with my husband last weekend! It was MARVELOUS!

-I still LOVE cloth diapering and I'm still baby wearing (at least some) everyday!

-I mowed the lawn Wednesday night for the first time in a year and it felt good!

-I sew something (or at least cut fabric) EVERYDAY! This has become my therapy.

-Ronan walks EVERYWHERE!!!!!

-I love having conversations with Alistair about things like digestion and sound waves! He totally gets it and is just hungry to learn new things!!!

Happy 4th of July, everyone! Be safe and enjoy your families. I sure will!


- Posted from my iPad

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Magic Moments Monday #8

Or, rather, Magic Moments FROM Monday.......

.....Last Monday! A rare Monday night FAMILY dinner with Cliff and Judi! The boys each had a "creme-sicle!"

"Hmmmmm...I'm not quite sure about this...."

It didn't take much to wire this one up!

Easter Recap

We woke up EARLY and went to sunrise service on Easter Sunday. Therefore, I was NOT on top of my game and forgot the camera. But, they were SO SO cute! You're gonna have to trust me on that!!!

Here are some photos Noah shot on Saturday.....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

You Capture-Smile

Forcing a smile and showing off his train car! 

SO HAPPY to play trains with his big brother!

NOT HAPPY that little brother is playing with his trains!

Those whispy baby hairs make me SMILE...

...So does this picture!
*This photo was taken by Jen Brackbill


NOTE: All of my photos this week were taken with a Nikon D70.  None of them were edited.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wonderful Weekend!

Aunt Jen and Mr. Wes came up for a day and we had a BLAST! Alistair was SO EXCITED to have them over! He set a bar stool by the living room window and watched for them Friday night! {SO CUTE}

Friday night, we stayed up late and talked. No one really knows just how exciting that is to me. {I got to talk to people over the age of 4!}

On Saturday, we just hung out and relaxed! We took a bike ride to the beach in the afternoon! I cannot believe how much fun it was to do these simple things!

Thank you, Jen, for taking pictures for me....again! I love you!

Close enough to kiss!


Caught in the act!

Everyone joined in Alistair's FAVORITE beach activity, throwing rocks!


Daddy's boy!

Yes, he was in HEAVEN!

*All pictures taken by Jennifer Brackbill except, of course, the one she's in. Wes took that one! LOL!*

Magic Moments Monday #6

Alistair got his 1st library card!

Both asleep in the bike trailer!

Thanks for stopping over! Stay tuned for the next few days! I have LOTS of things to share!!!

- Posted from my iPad

Monday, April 04, 2011

Magic Moments Monday #5

It's Monday again!!! (Well, it's actually almost Tuesday!) I didn't take any pictures this past weekend. I spent each and every minute just living in it and soaking up the sunshine and family time!
Here's your Magic Moment from tonight!

Several times in the past week, we have heard the music of the ice cream truck, we waited in the drive way and he never came down our street. Well, we got him tonight!!! And Alistair was so thrilled to finally have his Bugs Bunny Ice Cream that we had a "backwards dinner!" That's right, we ate dessert first!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Garden 2011

Here are a few shots from planting the spring crops and constructing the new fence!! Most of them were iPhone snapshots, but, hey, I was pretty busy!!!

Alistair's cup of worms!

Measuring for the 1 post

Wouldya just look at those beds?!

Setting the 1st corner post!

Planting onions!

Ronan's "post"

Our little helpers!

This is just so beautiful to me!
(taken from behind the garden. Looking toward the house)

The opposite angle. From the front side.

What's growing now:
Yellow onions
Red Onions
Brussel Sprouts
Sugar Snap Peas
{Seedling for the next planting are started, too! YIPPEE}

Now, when I get a few minutes (and maybe some sunshine) I will share more of what it looks like now!
Happy Weekend!!!!