Sunday, November 21, 2010

No, You Don't Need a Head!

I always see these photos, They're everywhere. Anyone who has a photography blog has one. "The feet only shot." You know what I'm talking about. You've seen them, too. Courtney recently wrote a post about them HERE. Up until the past few weeks, I've wondered what the deal was with those. I mean, I bought my camera to take pictures of my kids; To remember how the were, not what shoes they wore. When I actually worded it like that, I FINALLY realized what the big deal is!

I was over come with emotion.

The same one that drove me to take this with my iPhone over a year ago:
Jake, Sadie and Alistair
3 small pairs of shoes. My 3 biggest reason to get out of bed!

The same emotion that drove me to tears when I was organizing Alistair's old clothes and shoes to be available for Ronan.

The flood of memories. Who bought what outfits for him. How much I loved the baby Robeez shoes with the soccer balls on them because they prevented him from pulling his socks off. How those low-top "Chucks" were his 1st walking shoes. How much I LOVE (and his daddy HATES) those tiny green Crocs.

Then, the flood of tears.....He will never wear these shoes again. He will NEVER be that little again. Those days are gone. He's not a baby anymore. Where did the time go? Did I enjoy it enough while it was here?....

But almost immediately, I felt a calm come over me.

God has given me a precious gift. TWO precious gifts. And part of the gift is the change. The grow, they learn, they become their own people and in the process, I grow, I learn, I help lead them on their path as people.

I LOVE those little shoes. I LOVE the boys who wore (and will wear) them. I LOVE these blessings and this life.

So, when I was having some calm time in the yard yesterday and Alistair ran out to join me wearing his fireman boots. I couldn't help but smile and I couldn't help but take this photo.

Now, this day will be a memory attached to these boots.

I recently read this post by Jess at Not You Average Mommy and she put into words what I have been feeling:

"Everyday is profound. Everyday is a gift. Every little shoe that comes in your house is a treasure from God. 
Somehow these meager words and descriptions only scratch the surface of what this little shoe caused me to feel. It was as if the miracle of that first moment when they were born happened all over again, only in my kitchen, because of a shoe."

Here are a few more shots from our walk around the yard:

Such a beautiful day!

Ralphy and Frank!

Our Japanese Maple

I walked past this bush at just the right moment!

Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm in a Table Cloth Phase

My mind, my heart and my home change with the seasons.

Like many people, when it's 90 degrees out, I can't wait for sweaters and hot cocoa. Then, when we're in the throws of snow, I dream about shorts and sand.

For some, spring is for cleaning.  They open the windows, vacuum the sills (yes, I know someone who does this), dust the knick knacks and deep clean the carpets. In the spring, I plant the garden and let the house go. It becomes a "farm house." The floors barely get swept, let alone mopped, and I tell guests to please leave their shoes ON! (For fear they will stain their socks). The dogs (and children) run wild, there are campfires (even on weeknights), and we stay up late canning pickles!

But, in the fall, as it begins to get cooler, I switch modes. The laundry MUST get done because there's twice as much, the floors get mopped because the dirt is now mud, we pull out hoodies and jeans and even the table dresses up a little bit. As the holidays approach, I attempt to make my decor (or lack thereof) look a bit more "grown-up." So, I de-clutter my counters, light candles and put the table cloth on the table. Part of this "change of seasons" also includes pulling out the stock pot and roasting pan which are stashed away during the warm weather. They become permanent fixtures on the counter and stove ready to roast turkeys and make soup. I begin to cook (and bake) a lot. What else is there to do when you're trapped inside by the cold?

I wouldn't want the table getting cold!

The BEST shortcut apple dumplings EVER!

Swiss Miss was purchased at Costco and the fridge is stocked with
Extra Creamy Redi-Whip!

My well-loved, hand-me-down roasting pan takes its
position on the counter!

The stock pot is ready to boil down some chicken!

My line-up!
(The spices that never get put away)
S&P, of course. (Note: That's kosher salt, the only kind to cook with).
HUNGARIAN Paprika, because, well, I'm Hungarian. Old Bay
because I live in Southern Maryland.
And Nature Seasoning because I AM my father's daughter!

What Inspires Me

I had lots of very witty and poetic things to say in this post, but I am so emotional about these photos that I'm just going to let them speak for themselves!

I am inspired to get to the weekend, so I can soak in some of this:

Friday night-Sunday night, he is Daddy's shadow:

And it wouldn't be a post about what inspires me without a photo of my boys together:
(LOVE their coordinating Carters blankets! I'll have to post that story sometime!)

I'm linked up on this week's You Capture

Friday, November 12, 2010

Catching up on Photo Edits

A lot of the reason for the lapse in blog posts was my lack of edited photos. I have found some time (somewhere) and thought I'd edit a few and catch you up on a little of what's been going on.

I know, I know, Alistair's birthday party was 2 months ago, but the photos turned out so good! I just had to share some! The last 2 are kinda random, but LOVED so much!!!!

Passing out balloons!

The game turned into a balloon fight!

Pappy and Grammy with Ronan


Happy Birthday, Alistair!

Gnu Gnu and her boys!

Miss Judi has a way with babies!

Best buddies together again!

Why do I LOVE my SevenSling?

Is it because it's easy to use and VERY comfy?

Is it because he likes to sleep in it?

Is it because it totally matches the decor?

Is it because the gift set came with these super cute coordinating baby legs?

Maybe it's just because it was free?!  Whatever the reason, I sure do love it!

*I am not affiliated with SevenSlings. I did not receive this as a gift for reviewing it. I simply used a promo code, got it, used it, liked it an I am sharing my experience*

Just plain tired

Hello, my name is Patricia and I'm a coffeeholic......

I have a favorite brew, a favorite method of brewing and, of course, a favorite mug!

Yes, it's a Christmas mug and, YES, I use it all year long!

I'm not going to lie. I like coffee. I need coffee. I LIVE for coffee. 

Ok, it's not really that bad, but it has gotten worse. In fact, I'm struggling to control it these days. I feel like I am offending my coffee by saying this, but I DON'T REALLY ENJOY IT  SO MUCH ANYMORE. At some point it became a necessity instead of a luxury and it has damaged our relationship.

So, in order to restore my love affair withe that warm morning beverage, from this moment on, I vow to eat better, sleep better, and keep my self active.

I won't sweat the small stuff.

I will be OK with leaving somethings undone.
(As if I have a choice anyhow)

I will STOP running myself into the ground.....

....I will LOVE my coffee again!

For the good of all mankind!

Cuddling up and getting ready for bedtime!
So sweet!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

I am aware of the time span between posts and I apologize. I will explain later, but here is a bit of what we've been up to lately. (please excuse the red-eye. I didn't have much time for editing.)

Friday night:
Pumpkin carving party with the Kendall, Kings and families!

Not a big fan of cleaning the "guts" out:

Saturday night:
Scott and Kim's bday/ Halloween bash!

I threw some of my bellydance stuff together and made it "babywearing friendly!"

Sunday night:
Trick-or-Treating in Golden Beach!
(a bit tired and just wanting to be comfy, I didn't dress up again)

We hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween! We did!

Onto the next holiday......

- Posted from my iPad

The "A-word"

I started writing this post several months ago, but never published it because I was very upset at the time and just didn't want to post anything when I was that emotional.

There are several mean-spirited, mis-worded and just plain dumb things that people say to you when you're pregnant (or any time along the journey of parenthood, for that matter) that just make you want to punch them in the face. Among them is one that has come up a lot over the past year and no matter how it's said, it's still the same and it still hurts. The word "accident" had come up in conversation with friends a few times while I was pregnant and I have had to put my foot down and say that I don't like that kind of language when referring to a baby!

We may not have "planned" Ronan, but GOD did and He does NOT make mistakes. HE does not make "accidents!" I am GRATEFUL beyond words every single day for this new little life he has given us! I am truly honored that He would find us worthy to bring up a child for Him. Ronan was greatly loved from the moment we saw 2 lines on the stick. Ronan is a blessing in it's purest form. EVERY BABY IS! From the moment of conception, it is a life that God created. Period.

So, when someone announces a pregnancy, don't ask them if it was "planned." Don't ask them if it is "wanted." Withhold your curiosity (and your tongue), be happy for them and don't say anything stupid. You may think it's just a harmless question, but questioning the "validity" of someone's child is HURTFUL. EVERYTIME!

- Posted from my iPad