Alistair has had a BIG holiday season. There has been lots going on! The following post highlights our trip to New Orleans Dec 26-31 to see Tommy, Amy, Teagan and Aiden Driscoll. This trip was a big deal because I haven't seen them in 2 1/2 years, Alistair and Aiden were born only 14 hours apart, so they were good buddies, also this was Alistair's first time flying! We had a blast and miss the Driscolls a lot.'s a long post.
Mommy and Alistair flew directly from Washington to New Orleans to visit the Driscoll Family....FINALLY!
Waiting at the gate at Reagan National Airport

He was an angel in the sky, but by the end of our flight he was rolling around in the aisle
(And only fell asleep as we were landing in New Orleans)

The 1st toy he found at Driscoll's house was the ride-on turtle
(surprise, surprise)

He LOVED the drum
(it's pretty loud)

Beautiful Teagan
"Do me, do me!"

Geting know you....a day around the house
Nittany Lions fan in Louisiana
(yes, those are December)

Stiking a pose with Mommy before heading outside

I guess we'll have to get him a playhouse now!
(He LOVED it)

He also got pretty attached to this red ball
(Guess it was just the right size for his hands)

Alistair discovers Power Wheels
(He's a VERY good driver)

He even helped Aunt Amy and Aiden

There's plenty to do in Driscoll-land
It was a rainy day, so we hung out around the house

He climbs up:

He slides down:

He comes in for a landing:

We ventured out after dinner for a special ice cream treat:
Aiden and Alistair

He did AWESOME with the spoon
(cake batter ice cream with sprinkles)

The whole family
(L-R: Teagan, Tommy, Amy, Aiden and Alistair)

Me with my little "Tigger-Monkey"
(Oh, how I've missed her)

Not quite the usual Lovebug in this photo

Sugar rush has comenced

The best park EVER and evening trip to New Orleans
TV in the car!

The best park EVER!

Alistair and Teagan

Aiden and Alistair

"Celebration in the Oaks" @ New Orleans City Park

Excited to see all the lights!

One GIANT aligator!

We rode the carrousel

And the train:
(Alistair eventually fell asleep on the train ride)

He wouldn't look at the camera.
He was too busy watching the model trains!

We were all pretty exhausted from the BIG day before, so we hung around the house again and played outside!
More sunny weather!

That playhouse was just awesome!

The sandbox was too!

He rode the horse very well all by himself!

And played VERY nice with Aiden!

The trip home
Rolling around laughing so I couldn't ut his shoes on!

The flight home wasn't full, so we got our own row!

Watching "Wonder Pets" on Mommy's iPod

A little cracker snack before we had to put his tray up for landing