We are in Maryland now and we have cable internet! (BUH BYE, DIAL-UP!!!!!!)
So, after 6 months of starving for speed and leaving everyone in the dark, here's what you've missed:
I met my cousins, Luke and Nathan:

3 generations of Brackbill men:

I had a Happy Christmas:

Aunt Casey sent me a box of goodies, including my gorilla hat:

Pappy bought my jumperoo:

We had Christmas at Grandma Centric's house:

And New Year's at Gnu-Gnu and Grandude's:

I had my first food:

And enjoyed the great outdoors:

I had to have treatments for a respiratory infection:

Aunt Connie and Uncle Mike came for Mommy's birthday:

My hair started to come in on top:

I visited lots with my Great-Grammie Brackbill:

And we had LOTS of snow:

I started cruisin' in my walker:

Holding my own bottle:

And petting my dogs:

I met cousin Will:

I never let Mommy and Daddy eat a warm meal:

Pappy visited me a lot:

I say, "DA DA"

I got a new crib:

Grandma Centric came for Easter:

So did Gnu-Gnu! (I love my Peeps easter basket):

I hold my own cup:

I feed myself:

And I ride Horses:

Sunglasses make me smile:

So do cameras:

I visited my Great-Grammie Esh:

I play BEAUTIFUL music:

I went on outdoor hikes:

Met crazy animals:

And met crazy cousins (Jamie's my favorite):

I sit up in the bathtub:

I crawl through tunnels:

And I LOVE my new house:

I'm ready for summer:

Happy Mother's Day, Gnu-Gnu!

Fake cats make me crack up:

So do real ones:

and cameras:

Our first Mother's Day! I LOVE YOU, MOMMY!

Happy Mother's Day, Great-Grammie Brackbill:

I can climb up my Daddy! (I'm not afraid of heights):

Did I mention I love cameras?

And messes?

And Uncle Steve?

Uncle Steve helped us move:

I want to pull out his facial hair:

Sunglasses still make me smile!