Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
We may not have it all together, but together, we have it all!
Christmas isn't what it used to be. I've been having a hard time with this lately, but I've come to realize that it won't be that way ever again. When we were young, Christmas was magical. Now we're the parents. Now it's our job to make it magical, so our little one has the beautiful memories and closeness of family that we cherished so much growing up. Some traditions, as I knew them, are gone forever and it's hard to let them go.....along with the people who made them so beautiful. But now I have this beautiful little boy who deserves to experience the love, the magic and the tradition that I miss so much. So, we start our own traditions. We do it a new way. But, we always keep those memories with us to remind us just how much these new memories will mean to Alistair someday.

This year, we will not worry about how many presents are under the tree or how much we spent on them, but we will be thankful that we have each other, we have a home to call our own and we have love in our family! Those are the things I treasure most about my Christmas memories anyway. I don't remember any particular gifts. I remember the family times, attending mass on Christmas Eve, placing Jesus in the manger, singing "Silent Night," eating shrimp cocktail while we opened presents and Dad handing out the gifts as we all shouted over top of each other about what we received. In addition, we will be thankful to God for giving his only son for us. Isn't that REALLY what Christmas is anyway?! And shouldn't there be Christmas in out lives everyday?
So, just in case I don't get on here again before the 25th, may you all have a very merry, blessed, joyful and love-filled Christmas!
God Bless!
He has art skills like his Daddy:
So sweet:
Finding some time to play with the girls:
Mommy and Daddy taking a moment to be silly with a sleepy Alistair:
Now one with Aunt Jen:
Thursday, December 04, 2008
I'm not S-H-I-Tn' you!
That's right, we have to spell certain things now! Not just because we curse alot but because Alistair knows certain words and will ask for things over and over if he hears certain "key" words.
He's getting really big! We can't believe it! Everyday there's something new. He's not a baby anymore, that's for sure....he's like a miniature adult! I don't have much time so here's some pics to catch you up on the last month.

He's getting really big! We can't believe it! Everyday there's something new. He's not a baby anymore, that's for sure....he's like a miniature adult! I don't have much time so here's some pics to catch you up on the last month.
Loves his Grandma
Loves his Mimi
Looking Dapper
Cold weather=Monkey Hat
Daddy Time
Gnu Gnu and Grand-Dude came to visit
Taking some time to put a cover on his TPS report
Giggling for Aunt Krista
Loving his Great-Grandpap
Finally opened up to Uncle Steve
REALLY attached to Grammie Vel
Smiley Boy
Silly with Daddy
PS2 with Daddy
Sleepy boy and his Grammie Vel
Monday, November 24, 2008
a quick post from my blackberry
Sorry the blog is so behind. I'll have a good update next weekend. Promise.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Big Weekend
After work on Friday, Alistair had a night out with Mommy. We had dinner at iHop and shopped at Wal-Mart. Saturday morning Aunt Elizabeth came. She played with him while I got my haircut, then we did a little shopping, picked up some lunch and headed home for Alistair's naptime. When he woke up, we played around the house and Alistair rode his bike a little. Later, we drove out to Tyson's Corner to hit the mall and have some dinner.

Sunday was also busy. When we got ready to go, we went to Target before church, then had egs and bagels at Einstein Bros afterwards. We came home for naptime, played in the yard some more. Then, after we took the trash to the transfer station, we stopped at the playground for even more outdoor play!

Sitting like a big boy at dinner with Aunt Elizabeth:
Sunday was also busy. When we got ready to go, we went to Target before church, then had egs and bagels at Einstein Bros afterwards. We came home for naptime, played in the yard some more. Then, after we took the trash to the transfer station, we stopped at the playground for even more outdoor play!
Posing with his pumpkins before we left for church:
We got REALLY silly at Einstein bros:
He got a little couch with a birthday giftcard:
(He really loves to have an "Alistair-size" spot to sit with his books)
He was so proud when he figured out that the couch unfolds:
No more highchair!!!
(the biggie boy now eats up at the table with a booster seat)
Trying to drive away while Mommy was washing windows:
1st time in the sand:
(this playground is behind the elementary school where Alistair will go to school eventually. That made me a little emotional to think about, but, hey, he has about 4 more years until kindergarten)
Discovering that sand doesn't taste very good:
He let the dogs go potty, so he got to give them treats!
One for Frank:
One for Ralphy:
Pointing at the treat jar b/c he wants to give them more:
(His hair is wet b/c he got sprayed when helping Mommy water the garden)
Bedtime snack of yogurt and cheerios:
So......sleepy..........NUH NIGHT!
Sunday Morning
I have LOTS of pictures of Alistair's Awesome Adventures that I will post later on, but right now I feel the need to express this GREAT emotion I felt this morning:
Let me give you a few of the verses he spoke of:
"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
-Matthew 6:24
"But seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own."
-Matthew 6:33-34
I've posted it before and I'll post it again:
No matter how rugged the climb,
We're certain to get there by trying our best
And taking One Day at a Time.
"Forever" is hard to imagine,
"The future" may seem far away,
But every new dawn brings a wonderful chance
To do what we can on that day.
Thanks, Mommy....I REALLY get it now......
BALANCE will be found when your priorities are right!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Alistair and Theodore Photo Shoot
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