Sunday, December 16, 2007


I started working this past week and Alistair starting going to school. The GREAT news is my job is in the infant room at Nittany Christian School and Alistair is in my class!!!! IT IS WONDERFUL!!!!! I LOVE the job and it is an added bonus that I have my little man there all day with me! No going off to work worrying if someone is taking good care of him! He resisted the bottles at first, but is doing MUCH MUCH better now! If he is hungry when it's time for my lunch break, I take him with me to nurse. If not, I pump more milk for him to eat in the afternoon! I couldn't ask for anything more! It is good for him too! He's at a great age to learn that other people can take care of him, and they do! He is also VERY interested in the other babies....he's the youngest one in our class.

More GREAT news!!!!! Alistair has started rolling over! He did it for the first time Friday morning and is just having a blast with his new-found skill! However, he's only figured out rolling back over once, so he gets mad at me if I leave him on his tummy and I have to roll him back over! (He has NEVER liked tummy time.)

I wish I could blog more, but this dial-up is killing me. We will have a better connection soon and I will catch everyone up on the latest pictures!

Monday, December 03, 2007

We're here!

We arrived in PA on Tuesday night and have been VERY busy settling in since. The only internet connection we can get right now is dial-up, so it's gonna be slow-going with the blog for a few weeks.

I am unable to upload pictures....please check back.