We left on Tuesday morning to go to Pennsylvania to find a place to live! We stopped en route at Andrews Air Force Base to visit Noah's dad.
Here's Alistair with his Pappy at AAFB:

After a LOOONNNNNGGGG day in State College and Bellefonte Wednesday wandering around, looking at houses and even being stood up by one realtor, we returned to Port Royal for Aunt Sue's birthday dinner!
Alistair LOVES Cousin Jamie:

Alistair with his Great-Grammie Brackbill:

Thursday, we got going a little earlier and delivered some resumes first thing. This happened a little quicker than the day before, since we now know how to get around! We were done so quick that we had time to stop at Nittany Mall, get Alistair out of his carseat and walk around a little bit. We met with ANOTHER realtor in Bellefonte and looked at 2 more houses. We were a little discourged after that, but decided to call a number we saw on the side of a house on route 322 earlier that day. GOOD THING WE DID! We went to see that one, a duplex. IT WAS PERFECT FOR US! We were VERY exicted about it when we met Mitchell at Duffy's Tavern for a few beers.
Noah and his LOOOONG-time friend, Mitchell Dysinger (notice the boston terrier on the mantle behind them..hehehe):

After leaving Duffy's, we stopped back in at the duplex and gave the "boss man" the final word that we wanted that place!......
We met Gnu-Gnu and Grand-dude at Grammie Esh's house for dinner!
Gnu-Gnu perfects the art of baby tossing:

Alistair just LOVED all the affection from Gnu-Gnu and Dude:

This is Alistair with his Great-Grammie Esh:

Alistair was up EARLY Friday morning wanting to play, so we all got up!
We saw a bunch of turkeys outside the living room window:

Alistair was happy to have his very first bath in a kitchen sink:

Then, he was mad at Mommy for taking him out:

Daddy took his truck on one last run around the farm before parking it at the barn:

We visited Gnu-Gnu at her work on our way out of PA. We met a lot of her co-workers and she REALLY enjoyed showing him off, but there are no cameras allowed in her office. :(
And this is the pooped-out face we looked at all the way back to Virginia:

So, the trip was a GIANT whirlwind of events, but VERY successful! We got to see A LOT of family and a few friends, we found a place to live, and made HUGE strides in the job search! Everything is VERY promising! We will be moving out of our Virginia Beach apartment Nov. 26th and heading to PA for good. We'll post more details as we have them!